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  • May 23, 2021 at 7:23 am

Annapurna Circuit Among 10 Must-Visit Destinations On Lonely Planet

Annapurna Circuit of Nepal has been included in the list of 10 destinations to visit by the international travel site Lonely Planet this year. Trekking in Nepal is an amazing adventure that takes you to the mighty mountains and beautiful hills. So, as a part of trekking, Annapurna Circuit Trek is a popular trekking destination with high passes standing over the 5,400 m above sea level.

Including the world-famous destination Annapurna Circuit in this list, the site is a must-visit destination due to its features of golden temples, attractive villages, forests, and wildlife.

Stating that the challenging journey of Annapurna will be exciting and motivating, Lonely Planet has mentioned that delicious food and tea will give full pleasure to the tired body after trekking.

Describing the journey to the Annapurna region, Tilicho Lake, Kaligandaki, and Thorangla Pass in the region, Lonely Planet has suggested the Annapurna Circuit plan for trekkers from all over the world.

Jordan’s Petracity is at number one on the list of destinations to visit. Second to ninth are Ecuador’s Galapagos, Australia’s Uluru National Park, Botswana’s Okabhango Delta, North America’s Elloston National Park, Slovenia’s Blade Lake, Iguazu Falls on the Argentina-Brazil border, Cambodia’s Angkor Temple, and Bolivar.